Boxborough Ma and Acton Ma
The Studio is currently closed due to COVID -19 but classes are online as recorded weekly memberships and Zoom classes. Contact Ann@daringdogyoga.com for details.
THOUGHTS: Since I began teaching in 1988, Yoga has had the opportunity to evolve with our increased understanding of how the body works. We have made amazing advances in our study of bio-mechanics, somatic movement, kinesiology, and physical therapy. We have seen the birth of Pilates, the knowledge of Feldenkrais embraced and Medical Fields prescribing Yoga for the positive changes it can make for chronic pain, anxiety and specific health issues.
Not everyone adheres to the Evolving ideas of Yoga. Not everyone has the years of teaching history that I bring to the table. There are many who still teach a traditional approach and refuse to evolve with the times. That is not me. I do not believe in absolutes. I fully believe in adapting Yoga to keep it current with our fluid understanding of the human body. I love learning new approaches. We play, experiment, work hard, focus on mindfulness and we LAUGH . Fundamentally, we are changing our bodies. We are becoming stronger more balanced, more thoughtful. We might loose weight, gain muscle mass, become more focused, do cool poses but we are really changing our lives. We are changing our outlooks, our perceptions, how we think, feel and interact. We are not islands stretching our physical selves but flexible thinkers who are cultivating peace at times of adversity. We are vessels of strength, love , acceptance, compassion and powerful happiness that can change our lives and help improve the world.
GOALS: My goal is to take a fully interdisciplinary approach. I have a tendency to geek out on new medial findings and my love for bio-mechanics. I encourage fitting asana to our bodies not taking our bodies and forcing them into an asana. I want people to laugh, play and have fun.
Credentials: 1988 I started training under Jyoti Hansa , one of the first senior Iyengar teachers and radical thinkers of her time. Jyoti inspired me to learn more about anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and how to modify traditional yoga poses with props. I have over 500 hours of teacher training and countless hours in the classroom with 36 plus years of continuous teaching.
Find me on Facebook at Daring Dog Yoga/Ann Seymour for ongoing yoga articles inspirations and ideas on anatomy and physiology .